fine art products
to enjoy today and everyday after

book your session

We take pictures to remember. We print them to be reminded.

Those features of your children you thought you’d never forget slowly change. Before you know it the early days slip away to the back of your mind. A photograph has the power to pull those precious memories from the vault so you never have to forget those details. Printing your images ensures that those memories are physically present in your home so they’ll never be forgotten and often reminded to look back and reminisce. 

Before you ask, yes I do sell digital images. I understand the importance and value of a digital image. But I also have seen over the years the ease at which those digitals can get lost in the vast array of electronic data.

Here at the studio we are capturing incredible milestones of your family, and those images deserve to be proudly displayed and cherished for years. I have done the hard work for you, sifted through the different print labs and huge array of products available out there, and sourced the best quality products on the market. This way you can come in and see real samples and have my expertise  and guidance while choosing what displays are going to fit best in your home. All prints purchased include a matching digital file.

During your reveal appointment I’ll help you create gallery wall mockups including real photos of the walls in your home with images from your session, scaled to size. I’ll chat with you about your preferences on framing, album covers, help brainstorm ways to display images, and so much more.

Printing your professional portraits while up front might have a higher price tag, in the long run you’ll actually be getting more back for your investment.


the view-ability

Getting professional portraits is not only a beautiful gift for yourself but one for your family. As they continue to grow, so will the value of those portraits. Professional prints when taken care of can last for generations! While digital images theoretically last forever they’re easily, and frequently, not saved at all, not saved in multiple places (technology does fail), forgotten about where they’re saved, or fall victim to the “out of sight out of mind” effect and forgotten about completely.

Prints that are displayed get to be enjoyed daily. Every time you walk into your living room or bedroom you see that portrait. While on the flip side, digitals are the exact opposite situation. You view them a handful of times upon delivery then they get saved on your phone along with 30,000+ other snapshots (good luck finding those again…) or put onto a computer to be saved but likely not looked at again for a long time.

The price you pay for professional images is pennies per view compared to digital artwork. These photos are meant to be viewed and enjoyed more than once a year at best. That’s why I provide my clients with heirloom prints and digital copies along with their artwork. Because in the end I want your investment to serve the true purpose and give back to you as many views as possible through as many generations as possible.

The more you store electronically, the less you leave behind.


see the investment

Goldie Lynn Imagery Photographs newborns and families in St. Joseph as well as the greater Kansas City area.

© Goldie Lynn Imagery | Brand Identity + Website designed by Studio Nelson.